
Traditional Easter Sponge Cake

Traditional Valencian recipe


125 g of butter                          1 envelope of vanilla sugar
200 ml of milk                           2 eggs
25 g of leavening                      550 g of flour

 1.    Add in a big bowl butter with warm milk and mix those products for a few minutes.
 2.    Add the leavening and mix it again
 3.    Add the sugar and the egss and mix it again. Add progressively the flour until it'll be a dough.
 4.    Then, knead the dough and leave it for a 40 minutes. 
 5.    While the dough is standing, you can decorate the eggs. But rembermer to wash it before it. 
 6.    Whe the dough will be leave, knead it again in the table with more flour.
 7.    Give a new shape for the dough. It could be an animal or a person. Divide the dough in differents parts and put one egg on top of it.
 8.    Put the sponge cake in a try inside the oven first at 250ºC until the dough are swollen.
 9.     Paint the sponge cake with the egg and put aniseed on the top. 
 10.  Put the oven at 180ºC over 15- 20 minutes.
 11.  After that, let them get cold.

It'll be the result! I hope you enjoy it!

Resultado de imagen de mona de pascua


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