

We know that sometimes children want to play instead of doing the work they have to do.
This would be easier if all the pupils heed the teacher first. But it is not always like that. So for this things and behaviours we did "the rules"

Rules at the classroom are necessary for children and for the teacher. It is important the moment that the teacher shows the rules to his/her students.

These are my classroom rules:

- We hang up the coats on the coat hangers
- We pick and order the materials that we've been working
- We say hello and goodbye
- We ask things, please and thankful then
- We don't stick
- We wait our turn before we speak
- We use the paper bin
- We share our materials
- We speak without shouting

Is very important for the children to follow the rules. Rules must be obeyed. The child who doesn't follow the rules will be punished.


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