

Hi teachers!

Yesterday I gave you a Halloween song, I hope you enjoyed it.

Today I'll give you some advice to decorate your classroom with children.

  1. Do easy activities so that children are able to do them.
  2. Decorate posters with funny lyrics.
  3. Select one Halloween classic element and draw it, paint it or do it with some objects.

Activity 3

I decorated my class with an idea I got from the blog of my friend Javi :


I hope you enjoy this! Thank you Javi!

The activity consits of doing a ghost

To do that ghost we need a bottle (who must bring each pupil at their classroom), paper, crayons, scissors and glue.

First of all, teacher need to prepare the work for the children: she/he has to draw the wings, the eyes and the mouth of the ghost in two papers.

Children have to:

- Paint the eyes and the mouth in black

- Cut the wings, the eyes and the mouth

- Paste the wings, the eyes and the mouth in their bottles.

These are the results


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