Daily Routine

Our Daily Routine
This is the Daily Routine that we do every day in English class.
  • Good morning/good afternoon. How are you today? 
 I'm fine thanks, and you?   

  • What day is today? And the number? And the month? And the year?
      Resultado de imagen de months
  • What's the weather like today? Is it today sunny/cloudy/windy?
Resultado de imagen de weather poster

  • And the temperature? Is it today hot/cold or warm?
            Resultado de imagen de temperature poster                  Resultado de imagen de cold hot

  • In which season are we now?    
  • In winter we are cold, 
in summer we are hot, 
in autumn
leaves are on the ground, 
in spring flowers grow up.

  • Show me... your happy, sad, angry and scared face

Resultado de imagen de sad happy and scared

  • Personal pronouns sentences
Resultado de imagen de he is a boy Resultado de imagen de it is a pencil


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