Spring is here


Spring is showery, flowery, bowery

Summer is hoppy, croppy, poppy

Spring riddles
 It is round and yellow,                   I am a crazy tied,
it is like a ball of fire,              serve only for the salad...  
it rises in the east,                        What is it?                               
it sets in the west...                                 
What is it? 

A man chubby, very red;          With red hair, yellow face      
doesn't drink coffe,      and full grain I'm rich
always drink tea...                    food if I'm cooked...                
What is it?                                What is it?

I'm orange and elongated
I feed the rabbits...
What is it?

As the spring is here...
I let this fantastic song about the spring
With new vocabulary about that season and animals and flowers
Enjoy it!



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